Uluslararası Yükseköğretim Kongrelerine Katılım
Profesör Şahin, İTÜ’ye ilk rektör olduğu yıl olan 2008’den sonra ve Mart 2013’te MEF Üniversitesi’ne kurucu rektör olarak atandıktan sonra birçok uluslararası yükseköğretim kongresine katılmış ve sunumlar gerçekleştirmiştir. Yapılan sunumların bazılarının başlıkları aşağıdaki şekildedir:
- Innovation & Entrepreneurship in Higher Education
- Establishment of Technoparks (scienceparks)
- Establishment of first specialised technoparks in Turkey, such as Energy, Otomotive, Desing and Technologies, Aeronautics and Astronautics, Maritime, Transportation
- Establishment of Digital Base of Turkey
- Accreditation of 23 ITU Departments (the first University in the world that had the most number of engineering departments accredited by ABET)
- Flipped University in Higher Education
- Establishment of the First Flipped University in the world
- Establishment of International 3+2 (Undergraduate and Graduate) Programs
Katıldığı uluslararası yükseköğretim konferansları ve toplantılar (bir çoğunda yukarıda belirtilen konular çerçevesinde sunumlar gerçekleştirilmiştir) :
Ülke |
Konferans |
İngiltere |
Edtech London, 2018 |
American Council on Education 100th Annual Conference, 2018 |
İzlanda |
OEB-MidSummit 2017 |
American Council on Education 99th Annual Conference, 2017 |
American Council on Education 98th Annual Conference, 2016 |
İngiltere |
Blackboard Annual Conference, UK |
Letonya |
27th Conference of Rectors and President of European Universities of Technology |
International Association of Maritime Universities Annual General Assembly |
Hollanda |
EUA Autumn Conference |
Azerbaycan |
Azerbaijan State Oil Academy & Azerbaijan Technical University |
Almanya |
Berlin Technical University |
Suudi Arabistan |
Several Universities & Institusions |
Çek Cumhuriyeti |
5th EUA Convention of European Higher Education |
İsrail |
International Federation of Survey Conference |
SUNY Universities |
Dubai |
Dubai Higher Colleges of Technology |
Danimarka |
28th CESAER (Conference of Rectors and Presidents of European Universities of Technology) |
Almanya |
EUA Autumn Conference |
Fransa |
TIME (Top Industrial Managers Europe) General Assembly |
Danimarka |
CESAER General Assembly and Seminar |
Azerbaycan |
Black Sea Universities Network Conference & Baku University |
Yunanistan |
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki |
Singapur |
Nanyang Technological University, National University of Singapore & Agency for Sicence, Technology And Research |
İsveç |
CESAER Board Meeting |
Portekiz |
Lizbon Technical University |
Avustralya |
XXIV. FIG International Congress |
Rusya |
III. International Conference on Universities and Community Universities Cooperation and Development in XXI. Century |
SUNY Universities |
Japonya |
Tokyo University, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Keio University & Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology |
Almanya |
Berlin Technical University & CESAER Board Meeting |
Rusya |
MVEN & AVIA Engineering Companies |
Norveç |
29th CESAER Conference |
İngiltere |
Building a World Class University Conference |
Rusya |
MVEN ve AVIA Engineering Companies, Universities |
İtalya |
EUA General Assembly |
İsviçre |
CESAER Board Meeting |
American Council on Education 93rd Annual Conference, 2011 |
Ukrayna |
Crimean Engineering and Pedagocical University |
Danimarka |
EUA European University Association |
Fransa |
Turkish - French Universities Conference |
IAUP - International Association of University Presidents Conference |
Avusturya |
Conference for University Presidents and Rectors, Vienna Technical University |
Avusturya |
Graz Technical University |
Japonya |
Kyoto STS Forum (Science And Technology in Society Forum) |
İngiltere |
University College London |
Irlanda |
Dublin Education Authority’de (HEA) Meeting |
Ukrayna |
Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University |
Belçika |
CESAER General Assembly |
İngiltere |
EUA Annual Conference |
Bosna |
Several Universities & Institutions |
Kosova |
Several Universities & Institutions |